Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yellow Fabrics - More Buttons

Going to try it again. I've just had the most trouble uploading stuff. And being I'm the computer dummy, I don't know how to "fix" the problem. It uploads to a point and then I get the IE can't display the web page. Sooooo, before I go any further, I'm ging to try to load pictures of the yellow fabrics and the gold and silver buttons. Here goes...

Well........... I had written more about some "different" buttons and now that paragraph is gone. I hate this. I was telling you about the good Eagle buttons that ould have been nice to share with the eagle stitchers. The Amish type buttons with a horse pulling a buggy, Egyptian ladies and so on. Going to post pics of them nect time this program decides to work.
Thanks for looking
Crazy Judyth

Thursday, May 29, 2008

More buttons - Yellow Fancy Fabrics Baggies

Well, I uploaded 2 photos of buttons and now I can't find them. Anywhere. Also uploaded two shots of the 20 count Yellow Fabrics. The damn buttons must have carried them off.
to be continued. When I find the photos.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pink, Red, "pink" and 1 yellow

More Buttons. These are all put up in Twenty-Five (25) count baggies. They have been "cleaned" as in all the threads and fabrics have been removed.

Soft Pinks. Two (2) available.

Shades of Red - Three (3)little baggies

Assorted shades of Pinks, some hot, some with more of a purple cast - One Only.

Last of the yellows. All are Medium to Small. Missing a Large Yellow One.

Not shown - Burgundy Red. One Only.

Still have two (2) blue baggies .
Keep watching as Black, Browns, metal and MOP are yet to come along.
Then its Mixed baggies to move the left overs.
I know there is at least one baggie of Crowns, Shields and Coat of arms.
Another of Anchors.
Baggies of 80 small buttons. I love tiny buttons but there is no way I'll ever use all of these up. Mostly white/off white with a few colored buttons included.
And the list goes on.
Then it's on to the laces!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


The button containers are full to over flowing and it's time to thin out some.

These six (6) beauties are all at or over the one inch mark. Huge, large, humongous, giant, whatever word you would use to describe them, they are getting harder and harder to find. Large colored buttons in any color are hard to find. And thus, I'm asking $1.00 each. Please indicate which one you are interested in.

This gives you an idea of how many are available. I'm going to bag these at twenty-five to the baggie and $6.50 per baggie. Which works out to less than $0.25 each for the really fancy ones and the ones that are smaller and plainer .
In this picture I tried to show the different sizes. I have several just under one inch in size and then those smaller ones. I don't know if you can see that some are shank style while others are flat.

Stay tuned. More buttons coming soon.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Some Links for you

I don't know how I got here but there are some really great links here. I'd even say: "Outstanding", I've listed the link first then my comment below it
really cute seahorses.
I think that these could be made easily.
I never thought of beads. These are too cute.
I gotta make some of these mushrooms!
Now I know what to do with those ugly shank buttons.
This spoke to me.
This little doll is so sweet! Looks simple and easy, too. Wish that there />

was a place that would accept some of these. You know chairity project. I know that several of us on this list would have fun doing them. Any ideas about where?

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Yet another windy day

Yes, today will be another of those substained 30 mph winds with gusts over 50. It's awful. And cold. Only in Kansas.
Ray doing better. He has real trouble breathing in this wind. So, he stays in the house and tries to stay out of my way.

I posted a photo yesterday. The electricy wouldn't stay on. All in all we were without power for about 7 hours. I'd just get back on line and the power would flash and...... the "on" button sticks and you gotta take a fingernail file or knife to get it to pop back out. Just to have the flicker again. Anyway, I haven't seen my son in a few years so I sent him this photo. I put on there that he hadn't seen me in quite a while I was sending him this currant picture. Then I sent the one of the gal in the blue robe. I thought it was funny. He didn't.

Sorting buttons today. That is if I can wake up. Drug hangover.
Crazy Judyth

Friday, May 2, 2008