Monday, February 25, 2008

Fulled Wool Sofa Throw

Sis, Karen in Ohio, and I are thinking about making sofa throws or wall hangings or I'm even considering a CQ poncho. It's going to depend on how heavy these blocks turn out to be.
This is the first block that I'm ready to stitch on. I had this clip art teapot that I plan to do some viney stitches with leaves.
This second photo is just a small handful of my collection of embroidery ideas and all. I have saved clip art and stitching ideas for many years. Maybe this wool project is the place to use some of them. Looks like I've got a lot of birds. Like I said, this is only a partical showing.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stumbling Block

OK. I'm done for now. There are so many things that I want/wanted to do to this. Up in the left hand corner where the lizzard is, I have a sun dial or bird bath in mind to place there. I DO NOT like the pathway going east. I think I'll try to bury it under some bushes or flowers or... anything.
This is my first time to try "rocks" in my landscapes. I really like them, but found out that I need to make them smaller so that they will look better.
My sense of direction with this block says that it's all screwed up. The planter rocks below the tree look alright. But the pathway rocks............. I don't like the two different perspectives. I didn't allow myself enough time to work it out. I've done them before and been very happy with the depth and whatnot.
In the tree, you can see where I have started some green leaves. The tree is by no means done. It needs more branches to cover the eastbound walkway. In the upper right hand limb you can see where I plan to place a bird's nest with eggs.
I haven't done any seam treatments yet. I was going to do flowers and more flowers on the seams, in the beds, up the tree and so on. You get the picture, I'm sure.
I'm not real crazy (ja ja ja) about ribbon embroidery, but if Malla, my partner sees where some would work, she's to go for it.
I'm sorry that I didn't get my half done. Malla by no means needs to think that she has to finish what I've got started.
I know that this block seems real drab, blah and so forth. I planned it that way so that the flowers in different threads and styles and types would show off. This is a "dirt" block.
OK, need to get it ready to post. Have my directions right here as to what I'm to do. Wish me luck in finding the stuff I want to include.